Creating Technoeconomic Models to Support Commercialization: The Business of Alternative Protein Presentation
Technoeconomic assessment models (TEA’s or TEM’s) are one of the first elements of a business plan for any alternative protein venture. Their content and complexity can grow from an initial high-level screening tool into one of the key documents supporting major funding milestones. In later stages they may include plant design and materials flow with increasing levels of accuracy and depth to support decisions about scale up, CMO opportunities, operations, and optimization.
In this talk, Next Rung Technology’s John Ellersick will present on using TEAs in the commercialization of alternative proteins. Case studies will highlight the creation of initial screening models and how they underpin product, technical, financial, and funding activities. He will also discuss how TEAs mature through scaleup, plant design, operations, and optimization stages.
A presentation by Next Rung Technology’s Founder & President, John Ellersick, on Techno-Economic Models: Turning good food technologies into good food business.